LPC Has A New Compost Service Provider
Key City Compost is now providing compost service for the church. Please add your compostable items to the toter next to the dumpster! Families can also bring all types of food scraps to a special collection site at the county landfill. More info:
Submitted by Earth Care Team member Laura Renauld
All are welcome to attend our next Earth Care Team meeting (2nd Tuesday of every month) via Zoom. Contact the church office at office@lpcva.com for the link!
Leesburg Presbyterian Church’s Earth Care Congregation program was recognized with a feature story on the Presbyterian Mission U.S.A. website. The environmental story shares the wonderful work the preschool program has done to educate our young disciples on the importance of composting and recycling.
LPC was certified as an Earth Care Congregation in 2022.
The PCUSA's Presbyterian Hunger Program certifies congregations that make an ongoing commitment to take seriously God’s charge to “till and keep” the garden.
In 2022 our congregation affirmed the Earth Care Pledge (below) to integrate environmental practices and thinking into our worship, education, facilities, and outreach. To achieve our initial certification, we accrued points through specific activities in each of these four areas. To maintain our status, we will continue to accrue points through expanded efforts.
Two of the beautiful things about this initiative is that it is both ongoing and wide-ranging. We will remain in this process over a period of years, and involve all parts of our congregation's life. There is room for YOU to be involved. To indicate your interest, fill out the Contact form below. A member of our Earth Care Congregation Team will be in touch.
Earth Care Pledge
Our Worship and Discipleship will celebrate God's grace and glory in creation.
Our Education will encourage and support each other in keeping and healing the creation.
Our Facilities will be managed, maintained, and upgraded to respect and cherish all creation.
Our Outreach will encourage community involvement and public policy to protect and restore the earth.
Getting excited for the Earth Care Fair next week!