Serve The Community
We bring hope to those with little hope, friendship to those in need, and blessings to others within our local, national, and international communities.
We reach out in primarily three ways:
ongoing hands-on mission activities
ongoing financial support of organizations, representing a local to global reach
Grace to Go
Each week a team of volunteers supports Grace to Go run by St. James Episcopal Church to prepare and package more than 100 healthy meals for distribution to anyone needing them.
The 2025 dates are: Jan.26, Feb. 23, Mar. 30, June 29, July 27 and October. 26.
Addressing Food Insecurity
Each month we collect groceries to help stock two food pantries: Loaves & Fishes and Loudoun Hunger Relief. In November, we conduct a major food drive.
FUELED (Formerly Backpack Buddies)
Two times a year we assist Loudoun Hunger Relief’s FUELED program by helping to assemble food bags which are distributed through schools across Loudoun County.
Keep Loudoun Beautiful
Each fall we partner with Keep Loudoun Beautiful to clean up a 6-mile stretch of the Potomac River using canoes.
Mobile Hope
Each fall we collect and distribute school supplies through Mobile Hope.
Christmas Giving
Each December we support a Christmas Giving Program by providing toys and gift cards for disadvantaged youth and teens through Mobile Hope.