Small Groups
Small groups can be a place where something sacred happens – in the connections, conversations, and activities, we are at once valued for who we are and strengthened by being a part of something bigger than ourselves. At LPC, our small groups offer a place of deepening connection with one another and God, a feeling of welcome and belonging, an opportunity to know and be known – across generations, perspectives, background and spiritual journeys. In our small groups at LPC, we create opportunities for connection around shared interests, concerns, experiences, and faith. They create a community and sense of belonging. In conversation, study, and activity, we foster connection with God, one another, and the world around us.
As small group coordinator, Margie will promote, support, encourage small groups and their facilitators. Small groups at LPC include, but may not be limited to Nest Groups, Grief Share, Lectio Divina, Women’s Circle, Book Club, and the Men’s Group.
Through personal experience and professional background as clinical social worker, Margie has long been an observer, participant, facilitator, trainer and supporter of all kinds of small groups – Bible Studies, book groups, athletic teams, musical groups, and various clinical support groups. She is an enthusiastic advocate of small groups and the beauty that can occur therein.
Do you have any questions about small groups? Email smallgroups@lpcva.com!
Join us for conversation and activities to help to get to know each other, make new connections, or deepen existing friendships! Meet someone new or find companions for the journey of faith and life in whatever age, stage, affinity, joy, or sorrow you are experiencing today.
Nest Groups meet seasonally - for more information, email Margie Lang-Garnhart.
For LGBTQIA+ & allies!
for the creative types
For people who enjoy the outdoors!
solo in the sanctuary?
Lectio Divina is a way of reading scripture that is reflective, meditative, receptive, and responsive.
With Lectio Divina, we read for transformation, not merely information. It’s a kind of reading that, instead of being comprehensive, is a little slower, and perhaps more in-depth. It’s less academic than personal as we read with our hearts, seeking to let God speak to our everyday experiences, through Scripture, and one another.
Together, the group reads a Scripture passage three times, with time to reflect, respond, and contemplate between each reading. Click here for a more thorough description.
Lectio Divina meets virtually on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 6pm. Contact Rebecca Brock for more details!
Lectio Divina
Presbyterian Women’s Circle
Presbyterian Women’s Circle is made up of women who work to learn the intersection of their curriculum, most recently “justice” with their approach to Presbyterian faith. Women’s Circle meetings typically begin with an informational video, followed by discussion.
The group meets on the first Monday of the month at 10am in the Lounge/Parlor. Contact Shirley Pearson for more details!
Book lovers, join us on the second Friday of each month to discuss our monthly book and find out what the next book we’ll be starting is! The books selected for Book Club may relate to subjects like Earth Care, and we try to read a banned book and a classic every year!
Some of our past books have been:
The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George
A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles
Still Life with Bread Crumbs by Anna Quindlen
The Fifth Gospel by Ian Caldwell
The Art of Racing in the Rain by Grant Stein
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
Contact Laura Renauld for more details!
book club
An LPC group of eight volunteers joined the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy’s annual October fundraiser this year. In the month of October, "The Earth Care Walkers” team walked almost 200 miles! Between them they visited a total of 34 unique places in Loudoun County and beyond, and made some beautiful and interesting observations of wildlife, native plants and trees while we walked and talked. In the future, the group will merge with the Nature Nest Group and plan to join their outdoor activities. If you would like to join, contact Kathy Brown for more details!