Small Groups
Nest Groups typically meet on the third Sunday of each month. In October, two nest groups will be meeting: Rainbow and Makers.
Small groups can be a place where something sacred happens – in the connections, conversations, and activities, we are at once valued for who we are and strengthened by being a part of something bigger than ourselves. At LPC, our small groups offer a place of deepening connection with one another and God, a feeling of welcome and belonging, an opportunity to know and be known – across generations, perspectives, background and spiritual journeys. In our small groups at LPC, we create opportunities for connection around shared interests, concerns, experiences, and faith.
As small group coordinator, Margie will promote, support, encourage small groups and their facilitators. Small groups at LPC include, but may not be limited to Nest Groups, Grief Share, Lectio Divina, Women’s Circle, Book Club, and the Men’s Group.
Through personal experience and professional background as clinical social worker, Margie has long been an observer, participant, facilitator, trainer and supporter of all kinds of small groups – Bible Studies, book groups, athletic teams, musical groups, and various clinical support groups. She is an enthusiastic advocate of small groups and the beauty that can occur therein.