Tithes & Offerings
Thank you for your faithful support of God's work in and through Leesburg Presbyterian Church! Your support impacts and changes lives.
At LPC, giving is an act of worship. You are welcome to give in the offering plate on Sundays or by mail at any time. You can also give safely and easily online using the button below. Regular givers might want to consider Direct Deposit via ACH, to save fees. For inquiries and questions, please email office@lpcva.com.
give at any time
Your gifts and offerings support the work of the church! Without them, we cannot “Stand on the Past and Reach for the Future.” Thank you for your support of LPC!
Joy Gift Offering
Learn more about the Joy Gift Offering and find out how to make a donation below.
Pledge at any time
Commitments help us prioritize and be intentional about giving. Invest in loving God and loving others by making a pledge to LPC for 2023.
Other gifts to LPCVA
Have other donations to LPC, or just saying “Thanks?” Please use this form and write your reason in the memo line.