Update from Pastor Nominating Committee
The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) is pleased to report that everything is on track for the PNC to introduce you to the person we will be nominating as our next called pastor on September 10. Our nominee will preach here that Sunday, and after the service we will hold a congregational meeting to vote on whether to extend a call. If approved by the congregation and the Presbytery, the new pastor would start on October 23.
If you weren’t able to hear Rev. John Molina-Moore preach at LPC on April 30, we recommend that you listen to his sermon. You can find it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/zIDHakBbgBs
John reminded us that the pastor is not the church. We are the church. And we don’t have to wait for the next called pastor to make good things happen. Indeed, we know there are many good things happening here right now.
This summer, we will move into a period of what we are calling “active waiting” – preparing the way for our next pastor. The PNC is planning some small-group meetings with the congregation in August so that we can share ideas on how to welcome the pastor. We’ll have more to say about those meetings in the weeks ahead, but I can give you some dates now so you can mark your calendars.
We are tentatively planning to hold meetings after church on August 6 and August 13, possibly to be followed by a Zoom session on Wednesday, August 16, for anyone who was unable to make one of the other meetings.
There will be more information to come about a meet and greet opportunity for the session, with the possibility of additional opportunities for meet and greets as time allows in September. That’s just three months from now, so we are getting closer!
Thank you for your prayers, patience, faith and understanding!